Rock type clarifications in PSICAT

« Cool Cores Capture Climate Change Discussion

Rock type clarifications in PSICAT  

The creators of the Cool Rock cores chapter have been responding to the confusing elements we found and changed a few things right in the chapter instructions. One was to make an equivalence between the PSICAT terms for the rocks and the names we were given on the 6 card types, The Part 3 now reads:
"As you have noticed there are many types of rock to choose from in PSICAT. To keep it simple, you can use the following terms in PSICAT to match the core cards from Part 1.

Mudstone with clasts = Biosiliceous Mud
Diamictite = Till or Diamicton
Diatomite = Diatomaceous Ooze
Mudstone = Silt, Siltstone, or Silty Shale
Sandstone = Sandstone, massive
Conglomerate = Conglomerate 2"


The maps of Antarctica with the borehole sites are now consistent in their orientation. New diagrams were added in Part 5 that always show the Ross Sea to be at the bottom of the diagram (map).


Explanations in Part 4 about the animation have been enhanced.


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