« Developing Collaborative Operations Manuals for Research Groups Discussion

Feedback on Outline  

I've been working on a outline and drafting some sections that try to explain how I like to operate. Here's a link to my google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ie0LRIOI_LZurNbeGKAtNL0v7-o99gCyWetAGUzV...

I'd like feedback on the major sections and suubsections. Are there things I am missing, things I should rethink, etc.

My focus is on my MS and PhD students in my research group.


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Easy to follow document. You beautifully set a friendly and clear tone. Thanks for sharing


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I second Silvia's comment. There was nothing evident to me that needed called out at this point, but I would be happy to workshop with you on this after the Rendezvous as well.

I like that you emphasize transparency. We are having a lot of discussions in our department (~40 geoscientists of widely varying expertise, degree levels, and time in academia), and transparency is a greatly valued habit when trying to communicate your goals, intentions, and your desired interactions with folks. I like where this is all going!


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« Developing Collaborative Operations Manuals for Research Groups Discussion