Culture and Cognition

Lawrence T. White
, Psychology Department, Beloit College


In this upper-level seminar, students and instructor investigate the dynamic interplay between cultural processes and mental processes. Students and instructor read and discuss primary sources. Students write seven essays that reflect on and respond to the readings. The instructor facilitates weekly discussions and presents a few mini-lectures.

Course Size:
fewer than 15

Course Format:
Small-group seminar

Institution Type:
Private four-year institution

Course Context:

This is an upper-level seminar for students who have completed a course in Cross-Cultural Psychology or Psychological Anthropology. Most students are psychology majors.

Course Content:

In this seminar, students and the instructor aim to understand how the psychological processes of individuals are shaped through their participation in sociocultural processes and, conversely, how those sociocultural processes are maintained and modified by the behaviors of individuals.



Syllabus for Culture & Cognition Seminar (Microsoft Word 40kB Jun24 11)

Teaching Materials:

References and Notes: