W. Edward Chi

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Ph.D. Candidate
Pullias Center for Higher Education
University of Southern California
3470 Trousdale Parkway
Waite Phillips Hall, WPH Room 701
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4037

Background Information

W. Edward Chi is a former Associate Professor of Economics at Moreno Valley College in the Riverside Community College District in California. He became interested in helping students learn as a part of his graduate economics training at the University of California, Irvine, where he worked as a teaching assistant and teaching associate (2004-2007) in the School of Social Sciences. He subsequently was a part-time instructor (2008-2009) at Glendale Community College and Pasadena Community College before his full-time position at Moreno Valley College. Edward's teaching has been influenced by the community of educators working to improve student learning in economics (many of whom are listed here on the SERC website). Currently, Edward is a Ph.D. candidate in the Urban Education Policy program in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California.

Related Pedagogical Projects

Edward contributes to pedagogical professional development programs. He co-sponsored a North County Higher Education Alliance conference featuring Dr. Larry Michaelsen, and has participated in national initiatives to promote the use of innovative instructional methods in economic education. In his own teaching, Edward's classes are "flipped" using the Team-Based Learning™ teaching strategy. Edward is member of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative's Scholarship Committee.

Updated: November 2017