Bemidji Workshop Workspace

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Participant Resources:

Teaching Activity Ideas & Submission Form (Microsoft Word 23kB Apr23 09) Activity Idea and Submission Worksheet (plain Word document) Use this file to add your activity. Rename your file as appropriate.

Bemidji Guiding Questions (Microsoft Word 22kB Apr23 09) Guiding Questions for Designing Learning Activities

Participant Activity Ideas Generated at the Workshop:

1. Personal Response Systems ("Clickers"):

Mike Hamann - (Bemidji State University) Clicker question on Confusing Topics in Introductory Biology (Microsoft Word 32kB Apr25 09)

Diane Morris (Bemidji State University) - Diane Circulation System Activity for Clickers (Microsoft Word 37kB Apr25 09)

2. "Peer-Led Instruction":

Carol Nielsen and Valerie Wallingford (Bemidji State University), Gretchen Flahert (Lake Superior College) - Learning How to Avoid Plagarism through Peer-Led Instruction - Peer Led Team Learning (example on Plagarism) (Microsoft Word 34kB Apr25 09)

3. Case Study Learning:

Matt Whitehill (Lake Superior College) - Water Master case for Introductory Geology - Water Master Case (Microsoft Word 34kB May6 09)

Muriel Gilman (Bemidji State University), for Physiology of Exercise and Nutrition class - Case on Childhood Obesity (Microsoft Word 343kB Apr25 09)

4. Integrating of Several Pedagogies:

Ellen Jones and Patrick Carriere (Bemidji State University), Dinner at the House of Atreus, Exploration of Cannabalism for freshman inquiry course - Cannabalism (Microsoft Word 31kB Apr25 09)

Other Fruitful Ideas from the Workshop:

1. Could faculty interested in engaged pedagogies fruitfully collaborate with Theatre faculty on an event, workshop, other? Use the local expertise of faculty who use active-learning pedagogies in other disciplines.

2. Provide participants with Bloom's taxonomy on cognitive tasks to help them structure questions (types of questions, ideas for how questions can be scaffolded so they move to move cognitively demanding tasks...) used in various active learning settings.

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