The Optimal Bottle Rocket Lauch

Margaret Menzies, Harbor City International School, Duluth, MN, based on material found on Nasa's Educator Site on Bottle Rockets
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Students will build 2 rocket models designed for gaining the maximum height from launching a 20 ounce or 2 liter plastic soda bottle using a compressed air rocket launcher. They will use an online simulator to help them make predictions and adjustments to their design, and gain an understanding of how Newton's laws impact the flight of their rocket.

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Learning Goals

Goals- During the completion of this activity, students will demonstrate science processing skills, an ability to use technological design, and an ability to identify factors that affect motion and forces.

Key Concepts
Newton's Laws and their impact on rocket flight.
Forces and Motion and their calculation of a rocket flight.

Terminal Velocity
Net Force

Context for Use

This lesson is designed for a high school physics class. It will be used early on during a unit on the physics of flight (the first unit of the year). It is comprised of a computer driven content background (Newton's Laws and their connection to rocket flight) and design portion which I estimate will take about 3 class periods, followed by test flights and design revision which should take another 2 periods.

Equipment required:
plastic soda bottles
air compressor
rocket launcher (designs are available from a variety of sources including the NASA website)

Description and Teaching Materials

Some adaptations from the online version at NASA website

Water Rockets
Activity: Bottle Rockets and Propulsion
(Before you begin, print out a worksheet to use as you complete the activity.)

During the completion of this activity, you will demonstrate science processing skills, an ability to use technological design, and an ability to identify factors that affect motion and forces.
Background Information:
Bottle rockets are excellent devices for investigating "Newton's Three Laws of Motion":
1st Law - A rocket will remain on the launch pad until an unbalanced force is exerted, propelling the rocket upward.
2nd Law - The amount of force depends upon how much air is pumped inside the rocket. You can increase the force further by adding a small amount of water, which increases the mass expelled by the air pressure in the rocket.
3rd Law - Finally, the action force of the air (and water) as it rushes out of the nozzle creates an equal and opposite reaction force propelling the rocket upward.
As with a balloon, air pressurizes the bottle rocket. Adding a small amount of water to the bottle increases the action force. The water expels from the bottle before the air does, turning the bottle rocket into a bigger version of a water rocket toy (available in toy stores).
Extension Activity: In order to learn more about model rockets and how they work, follow these links for information on Flight of a Bottle Rocket, Rocket Aerodynamics, and Forces on a Rocket.

1.You will work in teams to construct two water bottle rockets with either empty 2-liter soda bottles or empty 20 ounce soda bottles, or one of each. You and your team members must decide (1) on the design you will use as a result of experimenting with the simulators and (2) on the materials you will use for the body, fins, and cone of the rocket (which is placed over the empty 2-liter soda bottle before launch). You will then predict how well your rocket will fly and record your prediction on the worksheet. You will also determine the terminal velocity or the bottles flight. You may want to customize your rockets by decorating them in some way. An example is shown below:

2.One bottle rocket launcher is needed for the class. While one team launches their rocket, another team can assist them by tracking the rocket, determining how high it flew, and recording the information on a worksheet. (Follow this link to learn how to measure the altitude reached by your rockets: Model Rockets, Measured Altitude.) Then compare your prediction with the rocket's actual performance and compare the flight of your rocket with other rockets. Your final assignment will be a journal entry via email giving details on your design, the comparisons you made, and your conclusions on the reasons for the rockets' performances.

3.You must follow the safety rules launching bottle rockets. Countdowns help everybody to know when the rocket will lift off. Using the launch safety instructions shown below, develop specific launch safety rules through group discussions. In the rules, include how far back observers should stand, how many people should prepare the rocket for launch, and who should retrieve the rocket.

Rocket Activity Sheet (Microsoft Word 90kB Aug25 09) Rocket Data Sheet (Microsoft Word 71kB Aug25 09) Bottle Rocket Worksheet (Microsoft Word 72kB Aug25 09) Safety Guidelines for Bottle Rockets (Microsoft Word 75kB Aug25 09)

Teaching Notes and Tips


Assessment- From NASA website
Use the rubrics shown below as a guide when completing the activity.

Rubric for constructing the bottle rocket and recording observations
(30 points max.)

Team carries out assignment criteria
3 points
0 points
Team performs testing safely
1 point
0 points
Records observations and findings are correct
3 points
0 points
Team demonstrates proper science process skills
3 points
0 points
Participates in class discussions
5 points
0 points
Team kept on task
5 points
0 points
Bottle rocket's fins aligned properly
3 points
0 points
Nose cone straight on rocket
3 points
0 points
Team contributes ideas to the class
4 points
0 points

Rubric for email writing (Worksheet Question 13)
(12 points max.)

Carries out assignment criteria
3 points
0 points
Records observations and findings are correct
3 points
0 points
Demonstrates proper science process skills
3 points
0 points
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation correct
3 points
0 points

Alternative Recommended Assessments:
1.Evaluate each bottle rocket on its quality of construction. Observe how well the fins align and attach to the bottle. Also observe the alignment of the nose cone at the top of the rocket.
2.Evaluate the design and quality of construction of each bottle rocket by measuring and comparing the altitudes that the rockets reached.


9P. Use vectors and free body diagrams to describe force, position, velocity, and acceleration of objects in two-dimensional space.
9P2.2.1.3- Apply Newton's three laws of motion to calculate and analyze the effect of forces and momentum on motion.

References and Resources