Rock Characteristics Exploration at Minnehaha Falls

Andrea Dugan
Nicollet Junior High
Burnsville School District, MN
based on TIMES XIII


In this geoscience field lab, students will investigate the natural rock formations and rock characteristics by observing outcrops and boulders at Minnehaha Falls up-close and far away. Students will make comparisons and draw inferences based on observations.

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Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

1.)Observe physical characteristics of outcrops both up close and from a distance
2.)Develop an appropriate list of characteristics necessary for rock identification
3.) Develop a hypothesis to explain the physical features of Minnehaha Falls


An outcrop is an exposed part of bedrock
A rock unit is a portion of bedrock that has the same characteristics

Context for Use

This is a field exercise where students should be given plenty of time to make observations about the rock outcrops and boulders they are view. They should be encouraged to think deeper by asking guiding questions. Hand lens, lab notebooks, and pencils/pens are the only necessary tools (Drawing is a great observation tool). This is intended to be an exploration that opens the door to the topic of bedrock geology and rock classification. It can be adapted to other locations. While Minnehaha Falls has a good amount of property, smaller groups with more direct adult encouragement may be helpful.

Description and Teaching Materials

Students should be divided into small groups to observe multiple areas of the Falls. The only real preparation necessary is an understanding of observation. Three groups can rotate from three great observation points. 1st - rock wall. In partners, students should find a rock to describe so that another person could identify. Test description on the entire group. Discuss helpful characteristics and those that are not necessary. In partners, return to wall. Each choose a rock to describe. Test description on partner. Summarize good rock characteristics. 2nd place - top of fall. Depending on the amount of flow, observations may be different. Draw view above. Hypothesis the view below and draw. Describe rocks characteristics of those on the riverbed. 3rd place - lower falls. Draw view. Describe rocks. Identify features. Hypothesize what the falls looked like a long time ago and what they will look like many years from now.

Teaching Notes and Tips

Students must be pushed to have patience. Require a good amount of time for each student to find a seat and draw out and document observations. Students should then be challenged to then ask questions about their observations and develop possible solutions.

Minnehaha Falls has a good location for students to bring their own lunch, so time may be provided in your plan. Also, the location below the Falls is not handicapped accessible for those with movement limitations.


Each student should have a completed lab "report" which consists of written and drawn observations of learning environment. Students should also have a lists of characteristics that are necessary for rock classification.


References and Resources