Adventures in ABC & 1, 2, 3

Julie Roettger
Lily Lake Elementary
Stillwater, Minnesota


In this outdoor/indoor lesson, the students will study Antler, Bear, Canoe by Betsy Bowen and make their own ABC book based on their observation skills used in the school forest.

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Learning Goals

This activity is designed for students to use their various senses to experience and observe the environmental ecology
The students will also compare and contrast natural vs. manmade objects found outside at home or at a different setting.

Context for Use

This activity will allow the students and their families to experience nature together. They will be provided with background knowledge from class discussions and handouts for the parents.

Description and Teaching Materials

The teacher will lead a classroom discussion on what is natural and what is manmade. Photos of various items would be helpful, but not necessary.
The teacher will then read Antler, Bear, Canoe by Betsy Bowen and hold a discussion on natural vs. manmade items in the book.
This could end the session of continue for a longer session.
The students will bring their science journals home and observe either at their home or any nature area. They will write their observations, not focusing on a letter of the alphabet. This observation will include things from nature as well as manmade items.
During the school day, the class as a group will brainstorm ideas from their observations for each letter of the alphabet. The students will then take a letter of the alphabet and write a sentence on cardstock paper corresponding to that letter. The students will then be handed a piece of Styrofoam sheet and etch a picture that matches their sentence written, focusing on the parts. With a brayer and close supervision, the students will then print over their Styrofoam sheet with black paint. They will then color in their drawing with colored pencils. The teacher will then bind the book.
Follow up: As the teacher reads the class-made book to the students, the students will decide if the items in the book are natural or manmade.

Teaching Notes and Tips

Explain ground rules for outside classroom activities. This activity could be used as a fall and spring unit to compare the two books.


Assessment will be conducted through observation of student understanding during both the student sheets and through classroom discussion.


Environmental literacy benchmark:
Social systems and natural systems are made of parts.

References and Resources