Trucking and Thinking Newton's First Law Of Motion

Peter Jacobson, Faribault High School, Faribault, Minnesota, base on an activity shared from Dave Myers of Rosemount Middle School.
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In this activity students will model the movement of a cargo in the bed of a truck in order to experience Newton's first law of motion. Students will be given eleven different scenarios that the truck and the cargo encounter. The students will predict (hypothesize) where the cargo will be after the scenario is applied, explain their prediction in terms of Newton's first law of motion and then test and explain the results of the scenario.

Learning Goals

1. Students will create hypotheses (predictions) while demonstrating their understanding of Newton's first law of motion.
2. Students will test their hypotheses, analyze and explain their results in terms of Newton's first law of motion.

Context for Use

The field exercise can take place on the floor in the classroom or in the hallway with a class size of 28 students. Students can work independently or in teams of two taking turn conducting the scenarios. You will need for each student or team: a marble, box (cover to a paper box from the copy machine room works great), marker and a worksheet.

Description and Teaching Materials

Prior to this activity introduce Newton's first law of motion along with examples. It may be from a book or your notes or from a jig-sawing activity.

Read the background info with the students. Model the activity with your own box or with a large toy truck to help the student understand what a truck bed is. Show students how to label the inside of their box with "A through F". The letters will be reference points that students will used to describe the movement of the marble went they apply the "outside" force of each scenario. It helps to press the marble into the cardboard in the middle just enough to leave a divot. This helps the marble stay in place at the beginning of the scenario. Have students in their own word record Newton's first law of motion to help them develop a "working definition".

Read the directions with the students, and explain that they need to answer the first two questions before moving the box. Then as a whole class do the first scenario together to help students understand how to move the box and record the resulting movement of the cargo (marble).

At the end of the activity have students revisit their "working definition" and correct it if necessary. Worksheet (Microsoft Word 29kB Sep18 08)

Teaching Notes and Tips

Try this yourself first to get use to moving the box the correct way and keep the marble in the middle until the "outside force is applied". An extension would be to have student create their own scenarios with another team. Crashes can be re-enacted. Heavier marbles or steel balls work the best. Try different speeds with the movement of the box.


The student will be assessed during the activity as they fill out the worksheet. They will self assess after each scenario


6 II D Motion
6 II B Inquiry

Optional (Introduction in a 9-12 class)

9-12 II D Motion
9-12 II B Inquiry

References and Resources