Investigating the Effects of Density and Volume of a Cartesian Diver

Lee Anne Garhofer
Ames Elementary School
St. Paul, MN 55106


In this lesson, students will investigate why the Cartesian diver dives and rises in a 2 liter bottle. They will also, through their own discovery, come up with a question and then change one variable and record their results. Students will draw a diagram of the experiment and record data collected in their science journals. They will then be expected to discuss their results with the class and write their own findings about what they learned.

Learning Goals

During this lesson, students will use observation, questioning, collaborating and communication skills.
They will also use a higher order of thinking skills, such as data analysis and synthesis to conduct their experiment.

Context for Use

Students work in groups of 4 at tables
1 class period (60 minutes or 2 30 min classes)
-2 liter bottles
-Water for initial experiment and then
-Salt, Sugar, vinegar, Glycerin, Nuts and Clay (to add weight)

Description and Teaching Materials

Preparation: Before the lesson, you need to prepare some materials ahead of time. Fill 2-liter bottles with water. Fill the pipette (eyedropper) 2/3 full of water. Place pipette inside bottles and screw the cap on. Check the diver to make sure it floats and squeeze each bottle to make the it dive. You need one bottle for each group of students. Also have on had additional materials as stated above in context for students further use.

Introduction:Tell your students that besides teaching, you perform magic and that your going to show them a magic trick using a wand. Pick up one of the bottles holding from the bottom and tell students that by waving your magic wand, you can command the diver to dive and float to the top. Conduct trick and ask them what they thought of your trick. Generate a discussion from there and then let them explore for themselves in groups and hand out 2-liter bottles. Explain to them that they need to draw a diagram of their findings with data. Discuss with whole class and write on chart paper or white board introducing the vocabulary words listed above. Have them come up with a question if they changed one variable. Review safety procedures. Talk to each group and assist if needed. Then let them experiment further with the experiment using the additional materials provided. Have then record their data with a diagram. Discuss with the class about what they discovered.

Assessment:Have students write their conclusions in their journals and turn in to the teacher.

Teaching Notes and Tips

Students have a hard time with density, volume and weight. During your class discussion you will need to define them.


Students are to record their conclusions in their science journals and then turned in to the teacher for review and comments.


Standard: The students will participate in a controlled scientific investigation.
Benchmark: The students will collect, organize, analyze and present data from a controlled experiment.

References and Resources