Penny in cup - Bernoulli's Principle

Brit Ofstedal
Kingsland High School
Author Profile


This is a demo in which you will show the students Bernoulli's principle and Newton's Laws. It is easy, quick and it gets the students interested.

Learning Goals

The students will use critical thinking skills to try to come up with an explanation for this phenomenon. They will be able to explain the principle to their parents and show them how to do it themselves.

Context for Use

This can be taught in the forces unit as an introductory discrepant event or a review demo.

Description and Teaching Materials

See Attachment Penny in Cup - Bernoulli's Principle (Microsoft Word 25kB Jun1 11)

Teaching Notes and Tips

See Attachment. Make sure to make a complete seal with your mouth on the side of the table.


Have the students go home and show their parents or guardian how this is done and explain it too. Have the parents write a very short note just to confirm this. Have the students hand in the note.


II. D. 1. Newton's Laws of Motion
Bernoulli's Principle

References and Resources