
Friday, May 23, 2014

8:30-9:00 Registration and continental breakfast The Gallery, Georgiadis Hall, Reynolds Community College

9:00-9:15 Introduction of workshop goals and participant introductions

9:15-9:45 What is necessary for student success?

  • Gallery walk and brief summary of ideas raised that address factors that contribute to student success

9:45-10:30 What's working in the classroom?

  • Participants share specific examples of assignments/exercises/resources used to improve quantitative and writing skills

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Academic advising: keeping students on track

  • 10:45-11:00 SAILS presentation (VCCS early warning system): Jena Morrison, Student Success Coach/Retention Services, JSRCC
  • 11:00-11:30 Small group discussion on roles of faculty and student support staff in advising best practices
  • 11:30-12:00 Large group discussion on ways to strengthen partnerships between faculty and advising representatives
12:00-1:00 Catered lunch

1:00-2:15 Transfer student successes and challenges

  • Panel discussion participants
    • Robin Beale, Career, Employment and Transfer Services, JSRCC
    • Janina Arrington, Professional Counselor, Office of Student Success TNCC
    • Rowan Lockwood, Associate Professor of Geology, College of William and Mary
    • Aaron Marshall, transfer student, College of William and Mary
  • Open question/answer session between workshop participants and panel
2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:00 Matching students with professional opportunities

  • Small and large group discussion to explore and define academic skills versus on-the-job-training that lead to student success in the workforce

3:00-3:30 Individual reflection: write up action plans

  • Individual participants will produce an action plan to implement ideas learned from this workshop to be used at their home institution

3:30-4:00 Peer sharing of action plans

  • Small group evaluation of action plans
  • Participants can discuss future collaborations with fellow participants

4:00-4:15 Workshop evaluation, closing remarks, synthesis

Participants are encouraged to join the conveners for dinner to continue the discussion.