References Cited

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American Association of Community Colleges. (2015). Fast facts from our fact sheet. Retrieved from

Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008, Pub. L. No. 101-336, §§110-325, 104 Stat. 327 (2008). Retrieved from LexisNexis Academic database.

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Barnett, L., & Jeandron, C. (2009). Enriched & inspired: Service pathways to college success. Washington, DC: American Association of Community Colleges.

Burgstahler, S. AccessSTEM: Making Science Labs Accessible to Students with Disabilities (accessed October, 2015)

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Cooke, M. L., Anderson, K. A., & Forrest, S. E. (1997). Creating accessible introductory geology field trips. Journal of Geoscience Education, 45, 4-9.

DO-IT. (n.d.) [Video file]. STEM and people with disabilities. Retrieved from

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LD Online. (2015). The educators' guide to learning disabilities and ADHD. Retrieved from

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Microsoft. (2015). Creating accessible word documents. Retrieved from

National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2012). Universal design for learning guidelines. Retrieved from

Newman, L., Wagner, M., Knokey, A. M., Marder, C., Nagle, K., Shaver, D., . . . Schwarting, M. (2011). The post-high school outcomes of young adults with disabilities up to 8 years after high school. A report from the national longitudinal transition study-2 (NLTS2). (NCSER 2011-3005). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Raue, K., & Lewis, L. (2011). Students with disabilities at degree-granting postsecondary institutions. (NCES 2011–018). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Robison, J. E. (2013, October 7). What is Neurodiversity? Retrieved from

Rose, D. H., Harbour, W. S., Johnston, C. S., Daley, S. G., & Abarbanell, L. (2006). Universal design for learning in postsecondary education: Reflections on principles and their application. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 19(2), 17.

Science Education Resource Center. (2014). Starting point: Teaching entry level geoscience. Retrieved from

Spencer, D. (2014). Outsmarting my disability: From struggling student to conservation educator. Retrieved from

The Center for Universal Design. (2006). The principles of universal design. Retrieved from

The International Association for Geoscience Diversity. (2015). Accessible field courses. Retrieved from

The International Association for Geoscience Diversity. (2015). Inclusive design for learning (IDL). Retrieved from

The International Association for Geoscience Diversity. (2015). The International Association for Geoscience Diversity. Retrieved from

Think College. (n.d.). [Video file]. Who is thinking college? Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. (June, 2015). ADA update: A primer for state and local governments. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division. (June, 2015). Frequently asked questions about service animals and the ADA. Retrieved from

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93-112 §701, 87 Stat. 394 (2004). Retrieved from

Williams, W. (2013). Students with disabilities and universal design [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Williams, W. (2013). Promoting Student Success using Universal Design to Decrease Barriers in Higher Education. Essay for 2013 workshop Supporting Student Success in Geoscience at Two-year Colleges.

Additional Resources

Helpful Websites


Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability (CPED)

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT)

International Association of Geoscience Diversity

Job Accommodation Network

LD Online

National Center on Universal Design for Learning

National Technical Assistance and Research Center to Promote Leadership for Increasing the Employment and Economic Independence of Adults with Disabilities (NTAR)

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) on Postsecondary Education and Students with Disabilities

College/University Resources for Faculty

ACCESS: A Comprehensive Center for Exceptional Student Services at Miami Dade College

Accessibility Center at the Community College of Denver

Access College Center at the University of Washington

A Guide for Faculty and Staff Working with Students with Disabilities at the University of Wisconson-Madison

Colorado Initiative for Inclusive Higher Education


Many other videos are available on how to incorporate principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into your courses:

CAST: About Universal Design for Learning

The Center for Universal Design in Education

UDL Connect

Properly Captioned Videos Related to Earth Science Literacy (made available by Wendi Williams, University of Arkansas Little Rock/Northwest Arkansas Community College)

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