Cognitive, Motivational, and Volitional Dimensions of Learning: An Empirical Test of a Hypothetical Model
A. Valle, R.G. Cabanach, et al. 2003 Research in Higher Education v. 44, n. 5, p. 557-580.

Students' predisposition to feel responsible for the results of their academic behavior (internal attribution) is related to positive self-image (academic self-concept), both being important conditions for development of learning-oriented motivation (learning goals). All of this involves selection and use of learning strategies for deep information processing (deep learning strategies), which leads students to assume responsibility with high levels of persistence, perseverance, and tenacity so as to achieve goals defined by the motivational orientation. This persistence and effort to achieve the proposed goals has in turn a positive and significant effect on academic achievement.

Subject: Education
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Research Results, Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Self-Efficacy, Student Attitudes, Student Motivation