General Classification of Igneous Rocks

Stephen Nelson, Department of Geology

These lecture notes are part of a series of lectures available on the geology department website at Tulane University. Topics covered include criteria for the classification of igneous rocks, field identification of minerals present in hand sample, thin section examination and chemical analysis. The general chemical classification covers silica content (silica saturation), aluminum saturation, and alkaline and subalkaline rocks. This resource is part of the Teaching Petrology collection.

Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.

Cutting Edge

Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy, Mineralogy:Physical Properties
Resource Type: Course Information:Course Site:Course Notes, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
Classes of Earth Materials: Plutonic Rocks, Volcanic Rocks
Course Type: Intro Level:Physical Geology
Earth System Topics: Solid Earth:Earth Materials:Minerals
Theme: Teach the Earth:Teaching Environments:Intro Geoscience, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Minerals, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Mineralogy