American Heat: Ethical Problems with the United States' Response to Global Warming
Donald A. Brown 2002 Rowman and Littlefield Publishers

This book by Donald Brown opens with a historical analysis of America's response to global warming, and continues with a look at the history of scientific and political concern with climate change. The author focuses on the inconsistent and "morally reprehensible" position of the United States while discussing various ethical models relevant to global issues and the (mis)conception that science is objective and ethically neutral. Brown argues that there is an urgent need to recognize the ethical issues often hidden in scientific and economic studies of global warming.

ISBN 0742512959
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Subject: Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change, Geoscience:Geology, Atmospheric Science:Climatology , Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Ethics/Values, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change, Environmental Science:Policy:Environmental Decision-Making, Biology
Resource Type: Policy Resources, Scientific Resources:Opinion, Overview/Reference Work, Research Results, Journal Article
Special Interest: Ethics
Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Drawing Inferences, Complex Systems