Critical Windows of Exposure to Household Pesticides and Risk of Childhood Leukemia
X. Ma, P.A. Buffler, R.B. Gunier, G. Dahl, M.T. Smith, K. Reiner, P. Reynolds 2002 Environmental Health Perspectives v. 110, n. 9, p. 955-960

This article, found in 'Environmental Health Perspectives,' discusses the potential for household pesticide exposures to cause disease. The study compared exposure to indoor and outdoor pesticides at various ages. The findings suggest that exposure to household pesticides is associated with an elevated risk of childhood leukemia and further indicate the importance of the timing and location of exposure, while the highest risk was observed for exposure during pregnancy.

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Subject: Education, Geoscience:Geology:Mineralogy, Environmental Science:Waste:Toxic and Hazardous Wastes
Resource Type: Activities:Lab Activity, Scientific Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Health Topics: Organic Compounds, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis