Glorious Guts

Bruce Russell, BioMedia Associates

This image-rich BioMedia article features a micro-naturalist's account of protistan symbionts of termites. It examines the relationships between the symbionts and their hosts and offers dissection and microscopy tips for studying these microbes. This article is part of a series called "The Lives of Micro-organisms: A Micro-Naturalist's Notebook". The website also contains links to other articles and features of BioMedia, including a gallery of images and a teacher page with various downloadable teaching guides for BioMedia programs.

Subject: Biology:Ecology:Symbiotic Relations, Biology, Ecology:Metabolism, Symbiotic Relations:Mutualism, Biology:Microbiology:Methods of Microbiology :Microscopy, Biology:Microbiology
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
Grade Level: General Public, College Lower (13-14), Middle (6-8), High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5)Keywords: Trichonympha, Streblomastix, Trichomonas, bacteria, digestion, digestive tract of termites, Zootermopsis