Numerical Ocean Circulation Modeling
Aike Beckman, Dale B. Haidvogel April, 1999 Imperial College Press

This book, volume two in the Series on Environmental Science and Management, offers a comprehensive overview of the models and methods employed in the rapidly advancing field of ocean circulation modeling. For those new to the field, concise reviews of the equations of oceanic motion, sub-grid-scale parameterization, and numerical approximation techniques are presented. In addition, four specific numerical models, selected to span the range of current practice, are described in detail. For more advanced users, a suite of model test problems is developed to illustrate the differences among models. The extensive list of references in this book would be useful for both graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the marine sciences and in related fields. The book is available for purchase from the site.

ISBN ISBN 1-86094-114-1
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Subject: Education, Geoscience:Oceanography:Physical
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Journal Article
Grade Level: Graduate/Professional