Coal Bed Methane Frequently Asked Questions

Kristin Keith, Jim Bauder, John Wheaton, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman

This resource answers many questions about coalbed methane (CBM). In particular, it addresses concerns about water issues associated with CBM development in the Powder River Basin of Montana by discussing aquifer drawdown, water disposal, water composition, and the effect of CBM water on soils and crops.

Subject: Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Biogeochemical cycling, Environmental Science:Energy:Fossil Fuels, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Groundwater
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Focus on the Cretaceous: Economic Resources, Human Impacts
Geochemistry Applications: Environmental Geochemistry
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Biogeoscience, Environmental Science, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water