David Thompson

Luther College

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Other Contributions (2)

Metacognitive Self-Regulation and Comprehensive Testing in Intermediate Spanish part of ACM Pedagogic Resources:ACM Teagle Collegium:Project Reports
For the past 2‐3 years I have experimented with comprehensive testing in Intermediate Spanish classes, based on the strong hunch that such testing promotes deep learning and leads to better retention. Research on memory recall and testing suggests that frequent testing and repeated retrieval from memory lead to better performance on tests (see Karpicke and Roediger). My goal was to see if this held true in Intermediate Spanish and to see if there might be a relationship between comprehensive testing and metacognitive self‐monitoring. Might one of comprehensive testing's benefits for learning and retention be that it stimulates reflective practices, such as self‐testing, which in turn lead students to perform better on subsequent tests?

Post-test Reflection Exercise (Wrapper) for Intermediate Spanish part of ACM Pedagogic Resources:ACM Teagle Collegium:Activities
Post-test reflection exercises (also called "exam wrappers") are brief activities that help students develop metacognitive thinking skills.