GSA Events

published Oct 15, 2013 1:30pm

Activities of interest at 2013 GSA Annual Meeting

The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting is being held in Denver, CO, October 27-30, 2013 and InTeGrate will be there! Catch up with InTeGrate friends and learn about the project's activities. Event/Sessions/Workshops led or sponsored by InTeGrate are listed below in italics. GSA is an InTeGrate sponsoring organization.

Meetings and InTeGrate Sponsored Receptions

  • NAGT Booth #106 opens - Sunday, 27 October, 2:00-6:30PM - Drop by anytime to get the workshop schedule, see the latest on the website, or provide an expert answer to one of the Geoscience Literacy Exam questions.
  • Geoscience Education Research, Teacher Education, and 2YC Division Meetings-Sunday, 27 October 5:00-6:00PM Centennial Ballroom H - NAGT is an InTeGrate sponsoring organization. These divisions allow you to meet others who share your interests in these focused areas.
  • Geoscience Educator's Reception (GSA, GSA Div. Geo. Ed., NAGT, DLESE, Cutting Edge, InTeGrate, IRIS, JOI, EARTHSCOPE, Teacher Prep)- Sunday, 27 October, 6:00 - 8:00PM Centennial Ballroom D-E - Find all who share your interest in education. InTeGrate has a table along the wall where you can find InTeGrate colleagues.
  • InTeGrate Reception - Monday, 28 October, 7:00- 8:30PM- Hyatt CCC Mineral Hall E - Cash bar, hors d'oeurves, and a brief update on InTeGrate activities. Bring all you would like to introduce to InTeGrate.
  • NAGT/Ed Division/CUR Awards Luncheon (ticketed event) - Tuesday, 29, October 11:30AM-1:00PM Hyatt CCC Centennial Ballroom A - Outstanding educators are honored with the Miner, Shea, Christman, Biggs, Stout, and GeoCUR Undergraduate Research Mentor Award.


To sign up for a workshop, use the GSA meeting registration ( This site may be offline. ) . You can add a short course to your meeting registration or attend a workshop as a stand-alone event without registering for the whole meeting.

508. Helping Students Succeed in Geoscience Courses at Two-Year Colleges.
Sat., 26 Oct., 8:00AM–4:00PM.
US$25; includes lunch. Limit: 48. CEU: 0.8.
Instructors: Eric Baer, Highline Community College; Robert Blodgett, Austin Community College District
Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); NAGT Two-Year College Division

519A. Teaching Geoscientific Thinking: What Does It Mean and How Do I Do It?
Sat., 26 Oct., 8:00AM–noon.
US$55 for one course—or get two-for-one!—US$55 for combined courses (add 519C or 519D). Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Instructor: Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers

519B. Teaching and Learning about Climate in Geoscience Classrooms.
Sat., 26 Oct., 8:00AM–noon.
US$55 for one course—or get two-for-one!—US$55 for combined courses (add 519C or 519D). Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Instructors: Tamara Ledley, TERC; Anne Gold, University of Colorado; Deb Morrison, University of Colorado
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Integrating Sustainability into Geoscience Courses.
Sat., 26 Oct., 1:00–5:00PM
US$55 for one course—or get two-for-one!—US$55 for combined courses (add 519A or 519B). Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Instructor: David Gosselin, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers

519D. Teaching Energy: Important, But Unfamiliar, Concepts, Emerging Themes & Grand Challenges.
Sat., 26 Oct., 1:00–5:00PM
US$55 for one course—or get two-for-one!—US$55 for combined courses (add 519A or 519B). Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Instructors: James Meyers, University of Wyoming; Mark Lyford, University of Wyoming
Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Topical Sessions Abstract Deadline - 6 August, 2013

Below are Geoscience Education sessions of potential interest to the InTeGrate community. You can see all of the other available Geoscience Education session on the GSA website.

Geoscience and Sustainability

T86. Intersection of Sustainability and Geosciences
Sunday, 27 October 2013, 1:00-5:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 402
3:30 PM Bringing Engineers and Geoscientists Together to Improve Undergraduate Teaching about Sustainability
(submitted by John Taber; authors: Taber, Manduca, Burian, Doser, Santi, Bruckner, Anagnos)
Presentation focuses on developing a future workforce that can address environmental and resource issues facing society.

T115. Climate Literacy: Formal and Informal Education and Community Outreach Efforts to Enable Responsible Decisions
Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 8:00AM-12:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 403
Conveners: Tamara Shapiro Ledley, Susan Buhr, Jeffrey Ryan
Abstracts focusing on descriptions of efforts for pre-college (students & teachers), higher education, informal education audiences, and community outreach, including materials, activities, curriculum, capstone projects, service learning, professional development programs, and community activities, are encouraged

T116. Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation Results from Informal and Formal Climate Education Efforts
Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 8:00AM. to 12:00 PM
Conveners: Anne Gold, Karen McNeal
This session focuses on what education, social, and cognitive research and project evaluation can tell us about misconceptions and incorrect mental models that hinder the understanding of the complex climate system.
10:00 AM Climate of Change: Promoting Climate Literacy Through Development of Data-Driven Instructional Modules for Undergraduates (submitted by Becca Walker, Cynthia Fadem, Cindy Shellito and David Steer

Strengthening our Ability to Teach about the Earth

T131. Stepping Out of the Box to Put Rocks in the Heads of Non-Majors: Do Creative Teaching Techniques Enhance Learning in Post-Secondary Introductory Geology Courses?
Sunday, 27 October 2013: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 405
Barbara EchoHawk and Alan Lester, Advocates
10:00AM Geoscience Learning for a Sustainable Future: Integrate Hurricane Hazards Module
(Gilbert, Ramage, Galster, Savina, McConnell)

T136. Training, Assessment, and Outreach That Enhance Communication of Geosciences for Formal and Informal Audiences

Monday, 28 October 2013: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 405
Conveners: Karen S. McNeal, Heather Miller, Sarah P. Radencic
Effective communication of geosciences can be accomplished through a combination of diverse and unique methods. The session focuses on training, assessment, and outreach strategies for improving communication of geosciences to formal and informal audiences

T119. Digital Geology Express (Digital Posters)
Monday, 28 October, 2013 9:00AM- 6:30PM
Colorado Convention Center Hall D
Conveners: Declan G. De Paor, Stephen J. Whitmeyer, John Bailey, Callan Bentley
A modification of the speed-dating format from GSA 2012, this fast-paced session will link presenters and active participants in a blend of digital poster and workshop formats.

T137. Undergraduate Research Experiences at the Introductory Level in Two- and Four-Year Colleges
Monday, 28 October 2013: 1:00-5:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 405
Conveners David H. Voorhees, Katrien J. van der Hoeven Kraft
This session explores successes and challenges in implementing research or research experiences applying scientific methods with their first- and second-year students at their institution. Projects of all types and lengths are welcome

T125. Geoscience Education and Outreach: 50 Years of Progress I
Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 8:00AM-12:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 404
Conveners: Cathryn Manduca, Eugene F. Pearson
This session will highlight significant changes that have occurred in informal and formal geoscience education and outreach programs during the past 50 years and the organizations (governmental and professional) that facilitate them.
9:10 AM Integrate: Rethinking Geoscience Instruction with the Development of Free Customizable Resources to Address Earth's Grand Challenges in Introductory Courses (McConnell, Egger, Fox, Iverson, Manduca, Steer)

Broadening Access to Learning about the Earth

T130. Status of Undergraduates and K–12 Students—Involved Geoscience Research: Impact on Science and Society (Posters)
Sunday, 27 October 2013: 9:00AM-6:30PM
Colorado Convention Center Hall D
Convener: Nazrul I. Khandaker
This session marks a decade-long (2004–2013) continuity and efforts to reach out to potential undergraduates and K–12 students involved in geoscience-related research. It is open to anyone who cares about landscape, natural resources, water, and hot environmental topics.

T143. Geoscience Across Cultures and Communities: Benefits and Challenges of Diversity (Posters)
Monday, 28 October 2013, 9:00AM-6:30PM
Colorado Convention Center Hall D
Conveners: Marilyn J. Suiter, Richard C. Berg
The session is on people and practices that have contributed to our increasing understanding of the importance of the role of diversity in the geoscience profession.
9:00 AM Showcasing Successful Strategies for Supporting Minority Students in the Geosciences
(McDaris, Egger, Manduca)

T120. Dual-Credit Classes and Other Collaborative Strategies for Recruiting High School Students into College Geoscience Programs
Monday, 28 October 2013: 1:00-5:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 403
Conveners: Dirk Baron, Raymond V. Ingersoll, Janice M. Gillespie
We encourage contributions on dual-credit/concurrent-enrollment geoscience classes taught at high schools and supported by college faculty as well as on other successful collaborations for recruiting high school students into geoscience majors.

T143. Geoscience Across Cultures and Communities: Benefits and Challenges of Diversity
Tuesday, 29 October 2013: 1:00-5:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 302
Conveners: Marilyn J. Suiter, Richard C. Berg, Christopher Atchison and Sharon Locke, Advocates
Geoscience students and educators are encouraged to disseminate current and historical research findings and instructional experiences that promote the enhancement of diverse participation in the geosciences through increased access and inclusion.

Preparing a Workforce for a Sustainable Future

T135. The Future of the Geoscience Workforce: Preparing for Traditional and Non-Traditional Geoscience Careers
Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 1:00-5:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 405
2:30 PM Preparing Students for the Complexities of Future Employment (Gosselin, Kirk, Manduca)

Preparing Teachers to Teach about the Earth

T118.The New K-12 Next Generation Science Standards I
Sunday, 27 October 2013, 8:00AM-12:00PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 403
Convener: Michael J. Passow
Learn how geoscience societies, agencies, universities, and informal science institutions will provide significant support as states and schools implement the Next Generation Science Standards and new STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) curricula.

T129. Innovative Geoscience Teacher Professional Development: Design, Implementation, Evaluation
Tuesday, 29 October 2013: 1:00-5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 403
Mark F. Klawiter, William I. Rose and Ashley E. Miller, Advocates
3:25PM Characterizing Pedagogical Beliefs of Geoscience Instructors Across a Range of Institutional Types: Potential Implication for Professional Development (Pelch and McConnell)

Developing Thriving Programs that InTeGrate Geoscience and Sustainability

T117. Developing and Sustaining Thriving Geoscience Programs and Departments: Strategies and Examples from Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges and Universities II
Sunday, 27 October 2013, 1:00-5:00 PM
Colorado Convention Center Room 406
Conveners: Lynsey LeMay, Heather Macdonald, Peter Berquist
Strategies for developing and sustaining thriving geoscience programs are varied across institution types, yet much can be learned from shared successes. Suggested topics include issues related to faculty, including adjuncts, students, building curriculum, and administration. Specifically, we will explore the value of multidisciplinary training in traversing the science policy gap.