« Investigation Reflections

Measuring Bones  

Finally Finished!!


Final template (Microsoft Word 147kB Mar15 09)


Share edittextuser=1693 post_id=3416 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

Hi Ann,
This is a great lesson. I especially like the medical career connections in that you can build in to this application of excel and image j.


Share edittextuser=2381 post_id=3420 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

I really like your lesson, as I mentioned before. I am glad to hear that the students were engaged for the lesson. My fear is that, since I haven't performed an ImageJ lesson in little while, students might take a really long time to do the activity. I am introducing the skeletal system this week, so I will be implementing your project on Thursday and Friday, with next Thurs/Fri as backups.


Share edittextuser=1671 post_id=3424 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

Kristina, If you are worried about the kids not getting Image J, I would suggest you go to the Simplescience.org website first. There is an activity called "Measuring Bugs" that demos setting scale and measuring. It is a little simpler than Image J. That is what I did with two of my classes and it was helpful. I also just went straight to the Image J with my honors group and they did fine. I found that looking at the Simplescience website refreshed my memory also.


Share edittextuser=1693 post_id=3428 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

That SimpleScience.org website is a terrific addition to ImageJ lessons. Thanks. I am going to use this to help students next year prior to introducing the unit I developed. I, too, ran into the difficulty of being away from the technology so some groups had more difficulty "getting backon the bike". Thanks for the tips.


Share edittextuser=1656 post_id=3432 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

I had the opportunity to see Ann treat her classes to this lesson. Great lesson and in each of the classes the students were very involved using the Imagej program. Discovering how to set the scale and making that "Ah!" discovery of the front of the skull is longer than the back of the skull so why was the measurement of the back of the skull longer? "Ah! The scale is different in this picture! We have to set the scale again!"


Share edittextuser=1690 post_id=3437 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

I wanted to try your "Measuring Bones" lesson but was apprehensive due my students' lack of success with ImageJ. I will give the Simplescience site a shot and rethink my decision.


Share edittextuser=1699 post_id=3448 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=1101

Hi Ann,

I tried the measuring bones activity on Friday in 2 of my 5 classes. They all got it, immediately (I tailored the handout to include screenshots). The kids loved it, and really understood more about the skeletal system and their bones. Thanks a bunch!


new handout (Microsoft Word 1.8MB Mar21 09)


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