Getting Your Education Work Published

Friday 1:30pm-4:00pm UMC 247
Mini Workshop


Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University
Kristen St. John, James Madison University

Success with peer-reviewed journal publications are at the heart of tenure and promotion, as well as a critically important way to share your work with others. At this workshop, we will explore differences between publishing geoscience, geoscience education research, and practitioner papers, discuss practices common to science education journals, and learn tips for paper writing and pitfalls to avoid. Hear from your peers who have been successful in publishing their work in the Journal of Geoscience Education and in other science education journals. Optional: bring a manuscript in progress (ideas, outlines or rough drafts) for feedback from current and former geoscience education reviewers and editors.


The overarching goals of this workshop are: (1) to build participants' knowledge of, and capacity for, publishing their work in geoscience education, and (2) to provide peer support for participants' geoscience education manuscripts in progress. We will reach these goals through presentations, group discussions, and individual work focused on the following questions:

  • What are similarities and differences between writing geoscience manuscripts and geoscience education manuscripts?
  • What distinguishes between peer-reviewed literature in geoscience education research (GER) and geoscience scholarship of teaching and learning (G-SOTL)
  • How do you decide what journal to submit to?
  • How does the submission and peer review process work?
  • How do you avoid common pitfalls that prevent papers from being published?


Getting Published Powerpoint 2015 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.9MB Jul17 15)

1:30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

1:40 Group activity: Compare and contrast geoscience, G-SOTL, and GER manuscripts

2:15 Presentation: Nuts and bolts of manuscript submission and peer review in geoscience education

3:00 Panel Q&A: Tips, tricks, successes, and challenges in publishing work in science education

Panelists will present prepared remarks (3-5 min) about their publishing experiences and then answer questions from the audience.

Special thanks to our Panelists: Kim Kastens, (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory), Carol Ormond (SERC) and Eric Riggs (Texas A&M University).

3:30 Individual/small group work on manuscripts

4:15 Adjourn
