Workshop Overview

There are two broad purposes of this workshop. First, and foremost, the event will foster best practices in models for undergraduate research through the opportunity to discuss different models and establishing network connections for sharing ideas and experiences across campuses and disciplines. The Workshop format will focus on discussion and sharing of ideas, working together on the issues central to how we conduct and foster undergraduate research. A secondary goal of the Workshop is to discuss the benefit to students, to ACM member institutions, and to the ACM as an institution of starting an ACM-wide scholars program where a small number of students, identified each year by their own campuses, would engage in a number of activities throughout the year culminating in an ACM undergraduate research symposium each spring.

Workshop Goals

  • To discuss the ways we foster, support, mentor, advise, and collaborate in the process of undergraduate research;
  • To foster best practices in models for undergraduate research through the opportunity to discuss different models;
  • To establish networking connections for sharing ideas and experiences across campuses and disciplines;
  • To discuss the potential benefit to students, to ACM member institutions, and to the ACM as a consortium of starting an ACM-wide scholars program wherein a small number of students, identified each year by their own campuses, would engage in a number of activities throughout the year—culminating in an ACM undergraduate research symposium each spring.


The Workshop convenes with lunch on Saturday, April 2nd, and concludes with lunch on Sunday, April 3rd.


What are the participants expected to do:

  • Prior to the workshop participants are expected to prepare a brief presentation on how their own campus engages undergraduate research
  • During the workshop participants are expected to actively engage each other in meaningful dialogue on set topics
  • Participants will be asked to complete an assessment of the workshop online upon returning to their home campuses
  • Faculty in attendance will be encouraged to hold an event, upon returning to their home campus, to share with their home campus colleagues ideas garnered from the Workshop


Lodging and meals at the Worskhop will be provided to participants. Travel is the responsibility of participants. Limited stipends are available to defray the cost of travel. To inquire about travel stipends, contact Andrew Civettini at

Application and Selection Criteria

ACM Deans should submit nominations of institutional teams directly to Workshop organizer Andrew Civettini at


The Workshop will take place in meeting rooms adjacent to the main office of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest in Chicago. The offices are a short walk away from the Workshop hotel.

For More Information

Inquiries should be directed to Andrew Civettini at