UNM LiDAR Lab: Ground based LiDAR scanner:

University of New Mexico

Contact Information

Tim F. Wawrzyniec




New Mexico

Instrument Type

Ground based LiDAR scanner:
Optech Inc. ILRIS 3D - gray scale scanner

Typical Use:

Used to generate high-resolution three dimensional imagery of outcrops suitable for detailed analysis in the laboratory.

Conditions for Use:

Instruments may be used on a contract basis with the facility (i.e. lab personnel will do the work).
Instruments are available to rent to qualified users (fee for service).
We offer training sessions in the use of the instruments.

User fees vary depending on project scope. User must purchase their own processing software or work with software at UNM by visiting the lab facility. Contact the lab manager for current pricing and level of available support.

Educational Use:

Class demonstrations are available for undergraduate students.
Demonstrations are available for K-12 students.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.

Additional information can be found at http://epswww.unm.edu/facstaff/tfw/index.htm. Tutorials and other educational materials are being developed; check the website for updates.

Support provided by:

Please acknowledge the support of the University of New Mexico and the UNM LiDAR Laboratory.