CAMCOR Nano-Fabrication Facility

University of Oregon

Contact Information

Kurt Langworthy




Instrument Type

ELECTRON MICROBEAM - SEM scanning electron microscope (including BSE, back-scattered electron detector) ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EDS energy dispersive spectrometer

Zeiss Ultra-55



Typical Use:

High resolution imaging and EDS spectra; energy selective backscatter and QBSD backscatter capability.

Conditions for Use:

Submitted samples will be analyzed on a contract basis (i.e. lab personnel will do the work).
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself.
Training Session (short course) is offered.

User Fees:

All university and government work will be charged $52/hr for beam time. Companies are charged $160/hr for beam time. Extensive sample preparation (making thin sections, etc.) will be charged $40/hr.

Instrument Priorities:

Priority is given on a first-scheduled basis. In the event that a company would like to use the instrument the same day as a researcher, the company will be given priority that day.

Remote Use:

Not yet set-up for remote operation.

Sample Preparation:

Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:


3D reconstruction software and image processing software (for size analyses) are both available.

Educational Use:

Class demonstrations are available for undergraduates.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
Tutorials and other educational materials related to the lab are available.

Support provided by:

NSF and University of Oregon provide support for this instrument