Concept Modeling Assessment

Jennifer Momsen, Tammy Long, Elena Bray Speth
Michigan State University
Students are asked to create a concept model demonstrating an understanding of gene expression, from the molecular to the organismal level.

What learning is this evaluation activity designed to assess?

Students must:
1. Identify the processes within this system.
2. Identify the relationships among the system's components.
3. Organize processes and components within a framework.

What is the nature of the teaching/learning situation for which your evaluation has been designed?

This assessment occurs on a quiz about 4 weeks into the course, to check their modeling and conceptual learning.

What advice would you give others using this evaluation?

Provide ample time for students to create these models.

Are there particular things about this evaluation that you would like to discuss with the workshop participants? Particular aspects on which you would like feedback?

Evaluation Materials