Draw the outcrop

David Steer
The University of Akron
Six to eight rock unit descriptions are provided in random order. Students must synthesize the rock descriptions, processes involved and relative time principles to draw a cross section for the outcrop.

What learning is this evaluation activity designed to assess?

Can students synthesize content and processes embodied in the rock cycle with relative time principles?

What is the nature of the teaching/learning situation for which your evaluation has been designed?

General education class for non-majors as a synthesis level assessment on an exam.

What advice would you give others using this evaluation?

You must scaffold the learning starting with the Rock Cycle. See attached PPT for the 4 lessons involved. Students must also have practice doing this as homework or in class. See attachments.

Are there particular things about this evaluation that you would like to discuss with the workshop participants? Particular aspects on which you would like feedback?

Is this an appropriate activity? Predict how your students might perform on such an activity. Are their suitable "real life" examples that I could use in class (rather than made up outcrops)?

Evaluation Materials

Additional Instructions and Rubrics