St. Norbert College Science Teacher Preparation:

Integrated Science Content and Methods for Elementary Majors

The materials on this page are from the St. Norbert College integrated Introduction to Geology and Science Methods courses. These courses were designed to synthesize content, process and pedagogy for K-8 pre-service teachers. For additional information, read more about this project.

Course syllabi

Unit/Learning Segment Planning Guide

As a final project, students in the integrated geology and science methods course sequence developed lesson plans for K-8 students. Their lesson plans are based on a unit/learning segment planning guide.

Download the Unit/learning segment planning guide (Microsoft Word 25kB Apr6 16).


Tim and Scott used a science attitude survey and focus groups to assess the efficacy of their integrated science content and methods courses.

  • Flood and Kirst's science attitude survey (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 65kB Apr11 16)
  • Focus group questions (asked after the year-long course):
    1. After these experiences, what do you believe the nature of science is? What defines it as worthy of study?
    2. What do you see as cross-cutting concepts or themes that connect the sciences together?
    3. How have you grown as a scientist after these experiences?
    4. How have you grown as a science teacher after these experiences?