Developing Effective InTeGrate Teaching Materials

Developing effective teaching materials is a core goal of the InTeGrate project. Below are a series of pages that suggest a systematic, thoughtful approach to developing your InTeGrate course or module. This process will help provide important insights into your students' responses, actions, and participation and possibly into your own teaching practices. These materials are based in part on the webinar series provided by InTeGrate to design teams.

Elements of design

Design Measurable Learning Goals
Why do we set learning goals? How do we design goals so student learning can be measured?

Assessments that Align with your Learning Goals
How do you measure student success in your course? What data are you collecting and do the data match your learning goals?

Metacognition for Us and Our Students
What is your learning process and how can you encourage your students to become more aware of their own learning processes? How can you ensure your students become self-regulated learners?

What is a rubric? How can you design a rubric so that the expectations you have of your students on a given assessment are explicit and clearly written?

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