Workshop Program

Jump down to: Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday

Note: the 2014 workshop is over. Find out more about the "Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences" workshop series, or read on for more information about the 2014 workshop.

Monday, June 30

1:00-6:00 Workshop registration: Space Research Coordination Center (SRCC)

Optional pre-workshop events in the Space Research Coordination Center / Thaw Hall

2:15-3:00 Concurrent sessions on research, teaching, careers, and career path

  • Fostering a creative work environment for your graduate students - Scott Bair, 203 Thaw

The transition from the more regimented learning in classes to the creative problem solving necessary for original research is easier for some graduate students than others. This session will discuss ways to help create a flexible, collaborative work environment while maintaining high standards.

3:10-4:10 Concurrent sessions

4:20-5:15 Families and careers: A panel discussion - Rachel O'Brien (moderator) and other workshop leaders, 203 Thaw

This session offers a discussion of issues, opportunities, and choices associated with families and careers, including children, dual-career couples, and more, with many opportunities to ask questions of the session leaders.

Workshop begins, William Pitt Union (WPU) Assembly room

5:30-6:00 Reception and icebreaker activities - Barb Tewksbury and Rachel O'Brien

6:00-7:00 Dinner

7:00-8:45 Introductions and opening session

Tuesday, July 1

Theme for the day: Who are you as a teacher?

7:00-7:45 Breakfast

8:00-8:20 Overview of day (PowerPoint 1MB Jul1 14) - Barb Tewksbury and Rachel O'Brien, William Pitt Union (WPU) Assembly room

8:20-9:40 Rethinking course design: A practical strategy for designing effective and innovative courses (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 545kB Jul1 14) - Barb Tewksbury, WPU Assembly Room

On the Cutting Edge has an on-line course design tutorial that expands on this approach and takes you through the full process, from considering context to setting goals, to developing a course around those goals, and assessing student progress.

9:40-10:00 Break

10:00-10:50 Teaching breakout sessions

11:00-11:50 Teaching breakout sessions

12:00-1:20 Lunch and optional lunch-time discussions

1:30-3:10 Designing effective assignments and activities (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.1MB Jul1 14) - Barb Tewksbury, WPU Assembly Room

3:10-3:30 Break

3:30-5:00 Teaching statements concurrent sessions: Articulating your teaching goals and highlighting your accomplishments

  • Introduction to teaching statements - Rachel O'Brien, WPU Room 548
  • Review of teaching statements (Acrobat (PDF) 416kB Jul1 14) - Barb Tewksbury and other leaders, WPU Assembly Room

5:00-5:15 Wrap-up and daily road check

6:00-7:15 Dinner

7:30-8:30 Optional evening discussions, locations TBA

  • Early career time management - Rachel O'Brien and Kyle Fredrick
  • Short reviews (10 minutes) of curriculum vitae and/or cover letter for job applications, for participants who have brought these documents with them - Becca Walker, Matt Kirby, and Scott Bair

Wednesday, July 2

7:00-7:45 Breakfast

Theme for the morning: Who are you as a researcher?

8:00-8:15 Overview of day and report on daily road check - Barb Tewksbury, Rachel O'Brien, WPU Assembly room

8:15-9:00 Making a strong first impression: The elevator talk (PowerPoint 1.1MB Jul2 14) - Rachel O'Brien, WPU Assembly room

9:10-9:55 Moving your research forward to new settings: Breakout sessions (will be repeated at 10:15)

9:55-10:15 Break

10:15-11:00 Moving your research forward to new settings: Breakout sessions (repeated from 9:10)

11:05-12:15 Research statements: Concurrent sessions

12:15-1:20 Lunch and optional lunch-time discussions

Theme for the afternoon: Choosing where you want to go and getting there

1:30-2:50 Mapping your career: Choices, balance, and action planning - Rachel O'Brien and other workshop leaders, WPU Assembly Room

Given where you are in your career and what you have learned at this workshop, reflect on your long-term goals or "dream job." What are your shorter-term goals? What are your next steps? What advice would help you most at this point?

2:50-3:10 Break

3:10-5:00 The academic job search (PowerPoint 581kB Jul2 14): Applications, interviews, teaching demonstrations, job talks, and negotiating - Rachel O'Brien and other workshop leaders, WPU Assembly Room

5:00-5:30 Closing remarks and end-of-workshop evaluation

6:00 Dinner

Thursday, July 3

7:00-8:20 Breakfast

Optional workshop sessions, Sennott Square (SENSQ), 2nd floor

8:30-9:30 Concurrent Optional Sessions I

  • Community college careers and interviews: Realities and misconceptions of two-year colleges - Becca Walker, Room 2500

  • Setting up your research lab (Acrobat (PDF) 5.7MB Jul3 14) - Matt Kirby and Rosemary Capo, Room 2300
  • Strategic early career planning - Rachel O'Brien, Room 2200

9:45-10:45 Concurrent Optional Sessions II

11:00-12:00 Concurrent Optional Sessions III