2013 Workshop: Bringing NSF MARGINS Research Into the Undergraduate Curriculum

September 18-20, 2013
Carleton College, Northfield, MN

This workshop is designed for the mini lesson authors that have been developing course materials as an opportunity to review and refine mini-lessons so that they are ready for classroom testing. These materials are designed to bring the rich data sets resulting from the four MARGINS initiatives to the classroom in a way that is accessible and exciting to students.


  1. Complete the development, review and refine the content and assessment strategies for each set of mini-lessons.
  2. Place the mini-lessons into course frameworks and mock up potential coherent course segments.
  3. Develop the pilot testing plan including matrix and timeline for field testing each lesson
  4. Identify what assessment data and reflections each pilot tester will provide to the Geoprisms office
  5. Define the process for providing assessment data and reflections to the project
  6. Develop a preliminary plan for disseminating mini-lessons to the community

Conveners and Planning Team

Julia Morgan, Rice University
Andrew Goodliffe, University of Alabama
Jeff Marshall, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Ellen Iverson, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

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