
Using Data in Undergraduate Science Classrooms (Acrobat (PDF) 467kB Nov25 03), a workshop report that covers the benefits, issues, and challenges of using data for teaching and learning. The report also offers examples, scenarios, and pedagogic resources that address the practical aspects of using data in the classroom.

Bringing Research on Learning to the Geosciences (Acrobat (PDF) 879kB Mar9 04), a workshop report that summarizes discussions on the application of research on learning to improve learning in the geosciences.

The DataSheet Template document (Microsoft Word 102kB Mar3 07) lists and describes the fields to be completed to create a DataSheet about a particular dataset.

The EET Chapter Author's Guide (Acrobat (PDF) 10kB Jun12 08) presents guidelines and advice for creating an effective Earth Exploration Toolbook (EET) chapter that is consistent with other chapters.

The EET Chapter Template Field Descriptions (Microsoft Word 39kB May23 04) document provides detailed descriptions of the information to be entered in each field within the EET page templates.

Data Access Working Group Documents

Data Access Working Group (DAWG) White Paper (Acrobat (PDF) 665kB Jan26 07), prepared as a contribution to the DLESE Quality Process.

DAWG Meeting Summaries

March 2005 (Microsoft Word 131kB Feb8 07) (Santa Barbara, California)
May, 2004 (Microsoft Word 74kB Jan26 07) (Durham, New Hampshire)
November, 2003 (Acrobat (PDF) 104kB Jan26 07) (Boulder, Colorado)